changes and plans. It is important to recognise that the standard (senior level) business indicators such as profit margin and wage costs do not drive bottom line sales on the shop floor. You cannot walk up to a Salesperson and say ôWe did 80% of budgeted sales û please increase your performance.ö ThatÆs like the manager of a football team saying to a player ôWe lost the past few games û you have to do better.ö To the salesperson or player the information is useless û they cannot see a clear reason for their æunder performanceÆ. What sports coaches do is take the Team ManagerÆs expectations (of winning) and filter them down to each individual player on the team û so each player can win for them (and the team). The coach measures performance of a few highly enlightening KPIÆs that tells the players exactly in which areas to improve. In soccer it may be recording the ônumber of times a player touched the ballö, or ônumber of attempts at goal.ö In baseball the coach could track ônumber of players on 3rd baseö or ônumber of strike outsö etc. It is common practice in retail to employ only five (5) KPIÆs to track individual performance and deliver the on-target information for coaching purposes û more than five and the reporting system is too complex, confusing, and ambiguous. The five KPIÆs for retailers are: Sales per hour - a statistic tells us about the speed at which each individual salesperson is selling or attending to customers compared to everyone else on the shift. Average Sale û the average selling price of each individual salesperson compared to everyone else on the shift û higher averages show a greater knowledge of product as the salesperson is able to sell higher ticket items. Low statistics reveal the salesperson lacks skill in either product knowledge or effective probing. Items Per Sale û tells us about the ability of the salesperson to add-on to a sale. Conversion Rate û tracks how many visitors to the store are turned into customers. Wage to Sales Ratio û compares a salespersonÆs hourly wages to hourly sales. This KPI identifies your clear performers and underperformers û and their value to you. The most common reason retailers do not track the five vital KPIÆs at a staff (team player) level, is their inability to easily and quickly, record and calculate data, to create meaningful reports. After all, one needs to track hours worked, set goals, track planned versus actual performance, and somehow level the playing field for all Salespeople. It
piece is an abstract triptych that I found while I was in Atlanta buying religious paintings The piece was called Guardian Angel and I love it My patrons fell in love with it as well They have asked me to track down the artist and see if he has anymore religious paintings available The only religious paintings that I actually do not buy are ones that reflect the image of Jesus on the cross I don’t have a problem with them some of them are extremely well done and would more than likely sell well but my investors made it very clear when they financed the gallery that I would not put that image into it PPPPP 683 Ajello Candles The motto of the Ajello Candle Company is “It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness” This candle making company has been in business since 1775 The business has been family owned for seven generations The candles from Ajello’s are well known for their beauty and quality While they make more candles now than in 1775 their dedication to quality and to customers has never changed The Ajello Candle Company was founded by Rafael Ajello an Italian painter He was also a beekeeper so he tried his hand at using bees wax to create candles He worked hard to create a formula that worked well The formula combined with his outstanding artistic ability lead to the birth of the Ajello Candle Company In 1785 the company earned the honor of creating all the candles for the Vatican He and his wife ran the business keeping their children involved in the processes from an early age As time went on their children and grandchildren kept the business running as well as passed the family business on to their children By 1862 the company had established itself as a leader among the candle making industry They had also added perfumes and many .

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